No. 264.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. White.
Washington, February 18, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatches, giving an account of the strong desire manifested by the German Government and by the leading personages at the court and in society that the United States should be represented at the approaching Fishery Exposition. My telegram of the 11th instant advised you of the favorable action taken by Congress in regard to the matter. Your reply by cable, dated the 12th instant, was communicated, at once, to Professor Baird. At his suggestion the President has appointed Mr. George Brown Goode deputy commissioner to the Berlin Fishery Exposition. That gentleman entered upon the duties of his office on the 16th instant, and is engaged in pushing forward the preparations for the United States exhibit as rapidly as possible, and I feel assured that no efforts will be spared to render it useful and instructive and in every respect creditable to this Government. The favorable issue of the exertions made by this Department to secure the participation of the United States in the exposition is very gratifying to me, in view of the fact that our partaking in it will unquestionably do much to strengthen the present good feeling between the two governments.
I am, &c.,