No. 261.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. White.

No. 66.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 75, of the 5th instant, in relation to the interview of Baron George von Bunsen, a member of the Imperial Diet, with you, on the subject of the International Fishery Exposition to be held at Berlin in April next, and also the receipt of your telegrams dated the 12th and 24th instant, informing this Department of the anxiety of the German Government to have the United States participate in the exposition in question.

In reply, I have to inform you that this Department has taken active measures to promote the object to which your dispatch and telegrams above mentioned relate, by communications to the appropriate committees of Congress, setting forth the importance of having this country represented at the Berlin Exposition, and recommending the speedy appropriation of a sufficient sum for that purpose, and also recommending that the legislation upon the subject shall provide that the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries shall have authority to represent the United States at the exposition in person, or by a suitable delegate, to be nominated and appointed by the Secretary of State. I may observe that Professor Baird has expressed the belief that if a sufficient appropriation is made by Congress, available not later than the 12th proximo, it will be practicable to have the United States creditably represented at the approaching International Fishery Exposition at Berlin.

I am, &c.,