No. 251.
Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts.


Mr. Secretary of State: The minister of war has just decided that various maneuvers on a large scale shall take place this autumn within several commands, and, in accordance with the precedents established by usage, he will willingly authorize a certain number of foreign officers to be present thereat.

The minister of foreign affairs, in notifying me of this, instructs me to inquire whether it would be agreeable to the Government of the United States to designate any officers of its Army to witness these maneuvers, and if so, to be pleased to give their names before the 31st of July next. As soon as the minister of war shall have received the replies of the governments to which this communication has been addressed, he will make known to what army corps each military mission can be attached, and will announce the date of the commencement of the maneuvers.

I will thank you to enable me to reply to M. de Freycinet as speedily as possible.

Be pleased to accept, &c.,