No. 244.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Outrey.
Washington, October 3, 1879.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 29th ultimo, informing this government of the new measures which have just been adopted, by order of the minister of marine of the Republic, with a view to regulating the exercise of the right of sailing under the flag of the French protectorate among the Society Islands.
I shall not fail to make known in quarters where the information may be of utility, and especially through the consul of the United States at Tahiti, as suggested by you, the gratifying modification whereby the privilege of commanding vessels fitted out under the flag of the protectorate is extended, under certain conditions, to reputable and capable foreigners, instead of being confined, as heretofore, to French citizens or to natives of that region.
Accept, &c.,
Acting Secretary.