No. 233.
Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts.

No. 347.]

Sir: At the request of the International Committee of Weights and Measures, I have the honor to forward herewith, for the consideration of the proper authorities, a lithographed report in relation to the new mode of figuring weights and measures in the metric system, adopted by the committee.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 347.—Translation.]

Mr. Minister: The International Committee of Weights and Measures having been requested by the Government of the Swiss Confederation to cause an examination to be made of the question of the unification of the abbreviations used in the metric system, and recognizing the practical utility of such unification, instructed a special commission to examine this question. In pursuance of the report of that commission, and after discussion, the committee adopted, in its session of October 2, 1879, the following resolutions:

The International Committee of Weights and Measures hereby adopts, for its publications and its official use, the following system (see list) of abbreviations for metric weights and measures.
The International Committee hereby instructs its bureau to bring, by circular, this system of abbreviations for metric weights and measures to the notice of the governments of the high contracting parties, and to recommend them to favor, by appropriate measures, its general introduction into the different countries.

We have deferred the performance of this duty until the reports of the proceedings of the session of 1879 were printed and distributed, in order that the governments might be informed as to the details of the discussion held by the committee on this subject.

Be pleased to accept, &c.,

The president:

The secretary:

His excellency General Noyes,
United States Minister at Paris.

List of abbreviated metrical symbols.

A.—Measures of length:

Kilometer km
Meter m
Decimeter dm
Centimeter cm
Millimeter mm
Mikron u
[Page 362]

B.—Superficial measures:

Square kilometer km2
Hectare ha
Are a
Square meter m2
Square decimeter dm2
Square centimeter cm2
Square millimeter mm2

C.—Measures of bulk:

Cubic meter m3
Stère s
Cubic decimeter dm3
Cubic centimeter cm3
Cubic millimeter mm3

D.—Measures of capacity:

Hectoliter hl
Decaliter dal
Liter l
Deciliter dl
Centiliter cl


Ton t
Metric quintal q
Kilogram kg
Gram g
Decigram dg
Centigram cg
Milligram mg