No. 222.
Mr. Cramer to Mr. Evarts.

No. 557.]

Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 301, of the 9th of August last, in relation to immigration into the United States of Mormons, I have the honor to inform you that, in compliance with your instruction, I have brought this matter to the attention of the Government of Denmark, in a note addressed to the Danish minister for foreign affairs, on the 3d ultimo.

Yesterday, it being the weekly conference day, I had a personal interview with him on the subject. On asking him whether he had taken any special cognizance of it, he replied that my note had been referred to the minister of the interior, but that no particular steps had as yet been taken in relation to it. As polygamy is prohibited in Denmark, he thought it would be difficult to control the emigration of any person, or set of persons, who leave their native country in accordance with existing laws.

As the Danish press has pretty generally discussed this subject, and warned people against emigrating to Utah for polygamous purposes, I did not deem it proper to add a similar warning directly through the press. I shall, however, give timely protests whenever I deem it needful.

I am, &c.