No. 216.
Señor Arosemena to Mr. Evarts.
Washington, May 19, 1880.
Sir: Without desiring to interfere at all with the arrangements that may be made at Bogotá by the honorable Mr. Dichman with regard to coaling stations on the Colombian Isthmus, which arrangements are referred to in your excellency’s esteemed note of April 17th, to which I had the honor to reply on the 19th, I trust that orders have been issued by the competent department for the withdrawal from the Bay of Chiriqui and from Dulce Gulf, of the American vessels of war which at that time were engaged in taking soundings, and in other operations preparatory to the establishment of coaling stations.
Such a step on the part of the government at Washington would greatly facilitate any arrangement or agreement that may be entered into by the United States of Colombia, which I represent, in relation to the matter; inasmuch as it would calm the agitation produced, which still prevails to a great extent throughout the country, according to the latest advices, and which must inevitably find an echo in official circles.
I have, &c.,