No. 204.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Dichman.
Washington, March 8, 1880.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 156, of the 9th of November last, transmitting a modification of the transit protocol of February 22, 1879, between [Page 323] Dr. Pablo Arosemena and yourself, whereby Article III of the original instrument is changed to conform to the suggestions of this government contained in the Department’s instruction No. 41 of May 12, 1879, has been received.
The change, as expressed in the additional protocol between yourself and Señor Rico, of October 23 ultimo, is entirely satisfactory, and the protocol, thus amended, is accepted as the standard by which extradition, by way of transit, across the Isthmus of Panama, shall be assured and regulated in the absence of treaty stipulations to the same end.
In event of the conclusion of a convention of extradition between the two countries, embracing a special provision securing transit, it is doubtless intended by the Government of Colombia that the protocol, as amended, shall subsist and form the proper basis for the local execution of the treaty stipulation.
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I am. &c.,