No. 116.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Osborn.
Washington, April 14, 1880.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 131, communicating information of the order made by the Chilian minister of war and marine to the chief officer of the navy to bombard all cities and towns and destroy all moles and launches of the enemy, where practicable, and in reply to approve the spirit and purpose of your note (a copy of which you inclose) to the minister of foreign relations of Chili on the subject of that order.
Commending the method you employed of expressing your views in the premises by a separate note rather than in connection with your colleagues, I conclude by observing that this government desires you to make every proper effort to restrict to collisions of a military character the cruelties and destruction of life and property involved in the prosecution of this deplorable war.
I am, &c.,