No. 75.
Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish.
Rio de Janeiro, May 1, 1875. (Received Jane 11.)
Sir: The Argentine minister to Brazil, Dr. Carlos Tejedor, was received by the Emperor on the 24th April, and I had an interview with him on the 28th. He informed me that he had no reason whatever to doubt that all differences and difficulties between the two governments could be and would be easily arranged, and without any delay, since the condition, as well as the interests, of each required a speedy as well as an amicable settlement.
As he expects to leave here by the 1st of July, and probably to take the foreign department at Buenos Ayres, I think we may look for a settlement and a new treaty, which will be satisfactory for some years; at any rate until, possibly, a new election at Buenos Ayres may seem to require a revival of the talk about Brazilian dictation and interference in river Plate affairs.
I have, &c.,