No. 205.
Mr. Piddle to Mr. Fish.

No. 12.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that yesterday President Garcia Morena arrived in this city.

He gave me a cordial personal welcome to Ecuador, and conversed fluently in both English and Spanish.

He said that really there was no foreign land which he loved so well as ours; that President Grant was his special admiration, and that he had passed some happy days in New York.

He alluded to the selection of several estimable gentlemen, citizens of the United States, as chief engineers on the public works, and complimented their efficiency and fidelity.

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With relation to my official presentation, he thought best to postpone it until our arrival at Quito, as he was unattended by the minister of foreign relations.

He said that the roads to the capital were in a fearful condition, and that we must not think of travel earlier than June, when he should be glad to greet us.

He spoke also of the pestilential climate of Guayaquil at this season, and advised our moving to Pasorja, at the mouth of the Galf of Gaayas, and a six hours’ sail from this city.

With kindest expressions of the anticipation of the most friendly public and private relations, which I fully reciprocated, the unofficial interview closed.

I have, &c.,