No. 48.
Mr. Low to Mr. Fish.

No. 205.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 203, of 26th October, I now beg to inclose translation of an edict naming the 23d February, 1873, as the day for the formal transfer of the government of the empire to the young Emperor.

So far as I am able to learn, no intimation has yet been given to either of the foreign legations as to the course the Emperor will pursue when he assumes personal authority.

I have nothing to add to what has been said in previous dispatches concerning this subject.

I have, &c.,



We have received with reverence the following edict from their majesties the empress dowager and the empress mother:

The imperial astronomical board having reported that, in obedience to our command, it had selected an auspicious day for the ceremonies of the Emperor’s accession to the personal administration of the government, we accordingly decree that the ceremonies in question take place on the 23d day of February, 1873, and command the several boards concerned to diligently make the necessary preparations.

Respect this.