No. 302.
Mr. Schuchardt to Mr. Hunter.

No. 86.]

Sir: I have the honor to report to the Department that at Taragoza, (formerly San Fernando), situated about thirty-six miles northwest from this place, Indians hostile to the United States arrived, asking the authorities to be allowed to come in and stop temporarily at a place called “El Remolino,” which is about twenty-one miles farther on in the same direction, for the purpose to trade with the Mexicans. The tribes to which these Indians belong are mentioned as the Lipans, the Mescaleros, the Gileñas, (named after the river Gila,) and the Comanches, and their number is given as 400 families. Although the authorities expressed their determination to grant the peace these Indians ask for only under the condition that they would move off a greater distance from the frontier, they being hostile to the United States, it was not considered convenient for these authorities to harbor them so near to that country. It is generally believed that the Indians will stop at the place they have selected already. There is no sufficient force here at present to enforce the mandate of the authorities. Several men have already bought goods in this place for the purpose to trade them off to these Indians at the Remolino, and there is no doubt that many horses stolen by them in Texas are among the plunder they bring with them now.

I am, &c.,

United States Commercial Agent.