No. 290.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 731.]

Sir: I inclose herewith a translation of a note from Mr. Lafragua, dated the 12th instant, (A,) with which he transmits a communication from the Mexican war department of the 9th instant, (B,) stating that orders have been issued by that department for watching and pursuing cattle-thieves on the Texan frontier.

I have, &c.,

[Page 667]
[Inclosure A.—Translation.]

Mr. Lafragua to Mr. Nelson.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a copy of a communication addressed me by the war department in reply to one which I had sent to that department concerning the complaints of cattle-stealing in Texas made in a note from your excellency.

I renew to your excellency the assurance of my attentive consideration.

[Inclosure B.—Translation.]

Mr. Mejia to Mr. Lafragua.

Citizen Minister of Foreign Affairs, Present:

In reply to your communication dated the 5th instant, in which you were pleased to inclose a copy of the note and documents which Mr. Nelson, minister of the United States, addressed to your department concerning a complaint of cattle-stealing committed in Texas by malefactors alleged to be Mexicans, I have the honor to state that this ministry has already issued orders, in so far as appertains to it, for watching and pursuing the thieves in question.

Independence and liberty!