No. 284.
Mr. Nelson to Mr. Fish.

No. 710.]

Sir: On the 23d ultimo a general election took place for the office of the chief justice of the supreme court, which assumed much importance, because that functionary, under the constitution, is the vice-president of the republic, and becomes president in case of the death or absence of the actual president. It was thus that Juarez first became President upon the failure of the coup d’état of Commonfort, and Mr. Lerdo, as chief justice, became President upon the death of Juarez, and was afterward almost unanimously elected by the people. The discussion [Page 656] of the merits of the several candidates for that exalted post was conducted with great moderation and fairness by the press and their personal and political friends. The election passed off without excitement, and the result appears to be generally satisfactory. José Maria Iglesias, a distinguished juris-consult and statesman, and an ex-minister of President Juarez, has received a large majority of the popular vote over General Porfirio Diaz, General Vicente Riva Palacio, and General Ignacio Mejia.

No change has yet occurred in the cabinet of President Lerdo. The old ministers of President Juarez remain undisturbed, which causes much complaint and criticism among the immediate friends and partisans of the President.

No material change has occurred in the military situation in the western part of the State of Jalisco. Lozada complains that he is not supported in his revolutionary plan, and has retired to the mountains of Alica for refuge and protection, where he will, no doubt, soon be attacked and destroyed by the government force now in pursuit of him.

On the 16th ultimo a Protestant congregation, while engaged at worship in San Luis Potosi, was disturbed and dispersed by a large body of the populace instigated by Catholic priests; but the civil authorities immediately intervened and promptly checked the disorder.

I have, &c.,