No. 218.
Mr. Bassett to Mr. Fish.
Legation of the
United States,
Port au Prince,
Hayti, May 19, 1873.
(Received May 29.)
No. 215.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 212, of the 6th instant, I
have the honor to represent that since the date of that dispatch there have
been taken some few additional steps in the political drama which is now
being enacted here in Hayti.
In my 214, of even date, the changes which have occurred in the ministry of
President Saget are recorded. On the 8th instant a meeting of the chamber of
deputies was called. General Brice, the gentleman claimed to be president of
that body, issued a pathetic appeal (see inclosure A) to his colleagues
urging them to present themselves in the chamber that day. But in spite of
all the exertions of the majority, only thirty-six members, or one less than
half of the seventy-four members that compose the chambers, were present.
These thirty-six members drew up and signed a remonstrance against the
course pursued by the Domingue faction. In this remonstrance they animadvert
upon the course pursued by the Executive in regard to the elections in
January and February last. They say upon this point: “The Executive, in
demanding the majority of two-thirds should be taken from the seventy-four
deputies that should have been elected, has not chosen to note that the
proclamation of the state of siege, and the intervention of the military
authorities in certain localities, have been the principal causes of the
non-election of (the full number of) deputies; that it (the Executive) has
no right to profit by the irregularities committed by its own agents, and
that it (the Executive) has done nothing up to the present time to remove
those difficulties.” The manifesto then calls upon the Executive to order
new elections to fill the vacancies which exist, and denounces before the
nation the course taken by the minority, calling each one of that minority
by name. It alludes also to “intrigues, open and secret,” in a caustic
On the following day the President issued two proclamations. In one of these
proclamations, (see inclosure B,) the President expresses in a peculiar tone
regret at the dissidence which had arisen in the legislative body. He speaks
of his counsels for reconciliation to both factions in that body, and says,
touching upon the proceedings of the chamber, that it was not for him to
range himself on one side or the other. He says, also, that it would not
become him to infringe upon the rights of
[Page 471]
the people now, when he is at the end of his
presidential term, and promises tranquillity and regularity of
In the other proclamation, (inclosure C,) the President convokes the corps
législatif in extraordinary session for the first Monday in July next, and
this last proclamation has been followed up by another from the minister of
the interior, ordering new elections to be held between the 20th instant and
the 10th proximo, in the communes which failed to return their full
complement of deputies.
I scarcely think any well-informed person here believes that there will be
any material bridging over of the dissidence which has arisen in the corps
1égislatif, and consequently that there will be a meeting of that body in
July. The Executive having outwardly manifested a conciliatory spirit as to
the difficulties and disagreements already shown, will, in case there be no
meeting of the legislature according to the President’s proclamation,
probably assume, or at least will have little apparent excuse for not
assuming, full responsibilities in the matter of carrying forward all the
duties devolving upon the government after July next.
I have, &c.,
Chambre des Representants.
Mr. Brice sent the following letter to the deputies present at the
Port au Prince, May 8, 1873.
The president of the chamber of representatives to his honorable
Dear Colleagues: The opening
of the national assembly is about to take place this morning at 9
o’clock precisely. If we fail to have a majority we shall naturally be
obliged to return to our homes, and then what will become of the
country? Who will vote the laws? Who will authorize the budgets? Who
will regulate the imposts of the people? In a word, who will aid
President Nissage to terminate the noble career that he has fulfilled up
to the present time?
The failure to have a majority this morning is the dictatorship! . . . .
Dear colleagues, it will be those who fail to be present that will bring
it about. It will be they alone who will assume in future its
responsibility. Reflect well upon all the consequences of your refusal
to meet. Reflect well upon the duties and responsibilities of your
mandate as deputies of the people. See on which side public opinion
leans, and enter not into your respective localities with the conscience
charged with the heavy responsibility of having failed to be present at
the meeting of the legislative body of your country.
Dear colleagues, I make a last appeal to your patriotism, to your hearts
as honest men, to come to the hall of representatives to inaugurate with
the senate the opening of the fourteenth legislature of our glorious but
too unhappy Hayti.
I salute you, fraternally,
Nissage Saget, President of Hayti
Haytiens: Seeing the time arrive fixed for the
meeting of the legislative body, the government awaited with anxiety its
organization to submit to it the exposé of the
situation and to obtain its co-operation in the acts necessary for the
administration of the country.
[Page 472]
But how great has been its deception in seeing break out among the
citizens called to compose this grand body, from the commencement of
their conference for the verification of their powers, one of the most
stubborn misunderstandings.
This misunderstanding has degenerated into a regrettable conflict which
has divided them into two opposing parties, thus destroying the majority
which ought to have been formed out of their number.
Almost the entire month of April thus passed away in barren discussions,
and in spite of my counsels for reconciliation, given to both sides, the
matter has become each day graver and graver.
One portion of the chamber, composed of forty-four of its members, met in
the usual place of its sittings, and notified me “that they were about
passing in open session to the continuation of their labors which had
for object the accomplishment of all the acts necessary for the
installation of the fourteenth legislature.” This notification was very
soon followed by an act of organization in spite of their
unconstitutional minority.
It was not for me, in view of the express terms of the constitution, and
above all in the face of the protestation of both parties, to range
myself either on the one side or on the other.
Finally, an attempt has been made having for object the opening of the
national assembly; it has not been able to succeed.
Haytiens, all the acts relating to this regrettable circumstance will be
placed before your eyes; examine them, weigh them; you will see that my
conduct has been always the same, invariable.
It is not on the eve of the end of my presidential term that it would
become me to infringe your rights; but I have the task of preserving the
public peace, the security of families; I will not fail to do so.
While awaiting the return of your representatives to accomplish their
part of the public duties, the greatest regularity will continue to be
maintained in the public service. Long live the republic free and
Long live the constitution.
Done at the national palace, Port au
Prince, May 9, 1873, and the seventieth year of the
By the President:
Secretary of War, &c.
Secretary of Justice, &c.
Secretary of Interior, &c.
Nissage Saget, President of Hayti.
Whereas there is a necessity of convoking the legislative body, see the
76th article of the constitution;
And on the advice of the council of the secretaries of states who have
recognized its urgency;
Decrees as follows:
- Art. 1. The legislative body is
convoked in extraordinary session for the first Monday of next
- Art. 2. The present decree shall be
executed under the diligence of the secretary of state of the
Done at the national palace
May 9, 1873, and the
seventieth year of the
By the President:
Secretary of War, &c.
Secretary of Justice, &c.
Secretary of Interior, &c.