No. 183.
Mr. Fish to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 8th instant, inclosing a copy of a report of the committee of the [Page 419] privy council of Canada, made to the governor-general of that Dominion, recommending that American vessels should not be prevented from fishing within the three-mile limit before the act of Congress giving effect to the articles of the treaty of Washington relating to Canada comes into effect, on the 1st of July next.

I am instructed by the President to express his appreciation of this liberal recommendation of the committee of the privy council for removing the last impediment to the friendly relations which he desires to have subsist between two peoples so near neighbors, and so bound to each other by the ties of commercial interest and of personal intercourse.

I shall be obliged if you will inform me whether the recommendation above referred to will be carried into effect, and if this Government will be at liberty to issue the circulars usual in such cases.

I have, &c., &c.,

Hamilton Fish.