No. 9.
Mr. White to Mr. Fish.

No. 10.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that a part of the people of Entre Rios, a state or province of the Argentine Confederation, are in arms against the constituted authorities.

In the absence of official information, it is not practicable to state, with certainty, the reasons for this rebellion or outbreak, but public opinion here would indicate that it is directed against the state authorities rather than the federal, and that it is by no means formidable.

Troops have been sent to operate against the insurgents, and accounts have been received, stating that a considerable number of them had been attacked and dispersed.

From the fact that the President in his annual message to Congress only alluded to the disturbance, to say that it would be made the subject of a special communication, which hap not yet been made, it would appear that the government does not deem it of pressing importance.

I am, &c.,