No. 80.

Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish

No. 116.]

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith a duplicate of the articles of armistice between the allied republics of the Pacific and Spain.

I attach hereto a copy and translation of the note with which it was transmitted to me by the minister for foreign relations for Ecuador, (1 and 2) No. 3 is my own acknowledgment of its reception.

General satisfaction is expressed in regard to the peace which is substantially assured by this treaty.

I have, &c,


No. 2.


The undersigned, minister of foreign affairs, bas the honor to address himself to the minister resident of the United States, in order to send him the duplicate of the ratification by the Ecuadorian government of the articles of the temporary truce agreed upon in Washington by the representatives of the allied republics of the Pacific and [Page 261] that of His Catholic Majesty, in order that, according to the indication of your excellency’s government, the exchange may be confirmed by duplicate.

The undersigned is happy to renew to his excellency Señor Wing, &c., &c.


His Excellency Minister Resident of the United States of America.

No. 3.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the duplicate of the ratification by the Ecuadorian government of the articles of armistice agreed upon in Washington between the representatives of the allied republics of the Pacific and of Spain.

I will forthwith transmit that duplicate to his excellency the Secretary of State, in Washington, who will make the requisite disposition of it.

Renewing the assurances of my very distinguished consideration, I have the honor to remain, &c.,


His Excellency Señor Francisco Javier Leon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, &c., &c., &c.