Circular No. 8.
Sir: Abuses which have heretofore occurred in granting protection from the local authorities in eastern countries, and especially in the Turkish dominions, to persons who, in the opinion of this Department, had no claim thereto, render it advisable that the legations and consulates in that quarter should, once in six months, report the number, names, and occupations of the persons to whom, during the six months preceding, such protection may have been given, or by whom it may have been claimed. You will so report accordingly, immediately upon the receipt of this circular, in regard to the ——— at ———. Such report will in future be expected to be made at the beginning of every January and July.
It is believed that sound policy dictates the utmost scrutiny and caution in extending the protection of this Government to any persons abroad who may not be citizens of the United States, Should that policy be adopted and scrupulously adhered to, those to whom protection may really be due may expect it to be efficient.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
To ——— ———,
——— ———.