Mr. Fish to Mr. Blair
Sir: This Department has received a note from the minister for foreign affairs of Costa Rica, requesting a detail of two scientific engineers for the purpose of surveying a route for a wagon-road or railway between San José and the Atlantic.
In the note a promise is made that the salaries and expenses of the engineers shall be promptly paid. Inclosed is the reply of the Department under a flying seal which you may close after reading the answer, which you will then deliver to Mr. Montufar.
You will notice that although his request has been acceded to, the names of the engineers have not yet been determined upon and nothing is said about their compensation and expenses.
Before they set out, however, it may be prudent that some definite provision, for the latter at least, should be made in advance by that government.
[Page 250]You will consequently lose no time in endeavoring to mate a satisfactory arrangement upon this point, of the result of which you will apprise the Department.
I am, &c.,