No. 244.

Mr. Fish to Mr. Hudson.

No. 36.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 40, of the 20th of August last, has been received. It appears to request instructions as to whether you are officially to interpose for the protection of foreigners in Guatemala. It is contrary to the practice of this Department to sanction such interference, unless it shall have been requested by the government of a friendly country, which may not have a diplomatic representative in that where the protection may be required, and unless the government of the latter country shall consent to the interposition. As you do not specify the nationality of the foreigners whom you propose to protect, the Department is unable to say how far the rule referred to may be applicable to them. The recent changes in the government of Guatemala have been important and appear to have been warmly welcomed by you. Such changes, however, are not, on the whole, so infrequent in Spanish American countries as not to require caution on the part of our representatives in the expression of their opinion at the place of their residence, and especially in interfering in political affairs abroad without express instructions. The policy of this Government has usually been to require its diplomatic agents to abstain from all partisanship. A contrary course would create a precedent which would be pleaded by foreigners who might be disposed to interfere here. It has ever been deemed best for the diplomatic representatives of the United States to refrain from even giving advice in the political affairs of foreign countries, unless that advice shall be asked for. Whatever may be our predilections for persons and parties, how much soever we may exult in the preponderance of those whom we favor, the Executive Government here has no authority to make any pledge for their support, unless this shall be expressly sanctioned by Congress, which would probably deliberate much before giving any such sanction. Your activity and energy, however, during recent critical events in Guatemala, deserve commendation.

I am, &c.,