No. 13.

Mr. Fish to Mr. Wright

No. 65.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 169, of the 19th ultimo, reporting an interview with the minister of foreign affairs of Brazil, in regard to the invasion of the legation of the United States at Asuncion, by Brazilian soldiers, has been received. The objection of the minister of foreign affairs to the complaint cannot be regarded as by any means conclusive.

The mere fact that some time may have elapsed between the departure of Mr. Washburn and the entrance of the Brazilian forces into Asuncion does not admit a presumption that the legation could have been sacked by Paraguayans.

The obvious probabilities are so much the reverse, that we may deem ourselves warranted in stating that the whole burden of showing that the robbery was committed by Paraguayans must be assumed by Brazil.

Of course, if this can be satisfactorily done, the accountability of Brazil in the matter will be at an end.

I am, &c.,