No. 179.

Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish

No. 253.]

Sir: The German secretary of state has notified to me and to the British legation that the Emperor of Germany accepts the office of arbitrator on our northwestern boundary question. I suppose I am acting entirely in harmony with your wishes in proposing to the British legation a very early attention to the subject, in the hope that we may speedily bring the matter to a conclusion and an award. Should any delay occur, I will take care that the fault shall not be on our side. I venture to expect an award in our favor. I have watched for a quarter of a century the course of this negotiation. In all that time the present administration is the first that has taken the subject in hand from a right point of view, and if a favorable award is obtained it will be mainly due to the form of arbitration which you established by the treaty of Washington.

I remain, &c.,