Mr. Seward to Mr. Berthemy
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your note of the 25th instant, in which you state that a disagreement on the subject of precedence exists among the diplomatic body at Tangier, and that some of them have expressed an opinion that consuls general, though of an inferior rank, ought to be allowed to exercise the functions of dean by seniority over the other representatives of foreign powers.
You further state that you have been instructed by the Marquis de Moustier to call my attention to the subject, which is quite new to me, as Mr. McMath, the consul of the United States at Tangier, has been silent in regard to it.
If nothing concerning it shall soon be received from him, his attention will be called to the subject, so that the government may be fully advised.
I avail myself of this occasion, sir, to offer to you a renewed assurance of my high consideration.
M. Berthemy, &c., &c., &c.