Mr. Jorningham to Lord Stanley
My Lord: I beg to forward to your lordship copy of a letter which I have received from the United States consul at Lambayeque, North Peru, who has kindly informed me, (we having no agent in that place,) at the wish of a British subject, that during the late depredations in that province, and others subsequent to the triumph of the revolutionary forces at Chiclayo, two commercial establishments of a British subject, named Mr. Feeley, had been sacked and destroyed, that he had been put in prison by sub-prefect Tello, for consulting with the United States consul how to make known his misfortunes, and that another Englishman had been ill treated and beaten.
Directly I am informed that an administration has been formed, I will go and see the minister for foreign affairs in this serious matter. In the mean time I have written to the United States consul, thanking kindly for the interest he has taken in behalf of British subjects; and I have also written privately to her Majesty’s vice-consul at Payta, requesting precise information and an exact report on the subject of Mr. Feeley’s losses.
I went also this morning to General Hovey to inform his excellency that I had received a letter from Mr. Consul Mountjoy, and expressed to his excellency my best thanks for what the United States consul at Lambayeque had done.
It appears the property in the same district, I believe, belonging to a North American, has also been damaged, they say to the amount of $60,000.
I have, &c.,
Lord Stanley, M. P., &c., &c., &c.