Mr. Seward to Mr. Johnson

No. 64.]

Sir: Your dispatch of the 9th of January, No. 96, was received. It relates to matters which, at the time of its date, were involved in the negotiations then pending for the settlement of the San Juan question and mutual claims. The necessity for a special reply has been superseded by subsequent events. On the 14th of January instant, a telegram was received from you which announced that the claims convention and the San Juan convention had been signed on that day at London. From materials which were remaining in our archives we were enabled to prepare a copy of each of those conventions. These copies, together with the naturalization protocol, were, on the 15th instant, submitted by the President to the Senate of the United States for their constitutional consideration.

It remains for me now only to convey to you the assurance of the President’s high satisfaction with the manner in which you have conducted these important negotiations.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Reverdy Johnson, Esq., &c., &c., &c.