[Telegram per cable.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Johnson.

The following amendments referring to British printed copy are essential in the claims treaty:

Article I, line 20, insert after President, “by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.”

[Page 378]

Same article I, second paragraph, strike out “London” and insert “Washington.”

Same article I, third page, strike out, “save as otherwise provided in article IV of this convention.”

Article II. Strike out the last paragraph entire.

Article IV. Strike out all after word “claims” in fourth line, or, if preferred, cancel the whole of article IV.

Article V. If article IV is amended and retained as above proposed, article V may then stand without amendment. If article IV is canceled entirely, then amend article V, line 2, by striking out the words, “mentioned in the next preceding article.”

Article VI. Either cancel the whole article, or substitute the following therefor: “In case of every claim, the official correspondence which has taken place between the two governments respecting the questions at issue shall be laid before the commissioners, and, in the event of their not coming to a decision thereupon, then before the arbitrator. Either government may also submit further evidence and further argument thereupon, written or verbal.”

Article IX. Strike out “12” and insert “18.”

Article XI, second paragraph, strike out all after the word “the” and insert “representative of her Britannic Majesty at Washington and the Secretary of State of the United States, jointly.”

If these amendments be not accepted, let San Juan remain in protocol. If they are accepted, sign the claims convention as amended, and convert San Juan protocol into convention and sign the same. Full explanations go by post, but time is important.


Reverdy Johnson, Esq., &c., &c., &c.