Mr. Johnson to Mr. Seward
Sir: Although my last cipher dispatch advised you that the Alabama claims question was going on favorably, I think it as well to repeat the information. Under the authority of your cipher dispatch of the 24th instant, I believe I shall be able to conclude a convention upon such terms as you and the President will approve, and it is more than probable that this may be accomplished before you receive this note, and that you will be advised of it by telegraph. Although I have not, as yet, heard whether the San Juan protocol has your sanction, I assume that it will have, as it seems to me to be within the scope of your original instructions on that subject. I have, therefore, the strongest hope that the President will be able to communicate in his next annual message to Congress a satisfactory adjustment of all the matters which have for some years, to a certain extent, weakened the friendly relations between the two countries.
I have the honor to remain, with high regard, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.