Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward

No. 1392.]

Sir: In connection with the case of John McClure, referred to in despatch No. 1996, of the 4th of June, I have to report that the extreme penalty to which he was condemned has been commuted to imprisonment for life. He is now in prison undergoing that sentence. But inasmuch as he pleaded guilty [Page 107] at the trial, confessed himself to have been deceived into the part he took, and is ready to bind himself to return to America if released, I have reason to believe that so soon as the state of things in Ireland becomes sufficiently settled to permit of it, the authorities will grant his discharge. A movement may be made in his behalf by some persons of influence here on what may be deemed the first favorable opportunity, with which I shall endeavor to co-operate.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant.


Hon. William H.Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.