I enclose herewith, from the Moniteur, the communication in
I have the honor to be, with great respect, your most obedient
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Communication from the government.
M. Rogier, Minister of
Foreign Affairs:
The Senate knows the circumstances which lead to the Luxembourg
question. This incident threatened to cause a violent conflict, when
the great powers not directly engaged in the difficulty succeeded,
thanks to the sentiments of moderation of the states most directly
interested, to bring about the meeting of a conference which should
provide a new basis for the situation of the grand duchy.
Belgium, signer of the treaties of 1839, which it was proposed to
modify in so far as regards Luxembourg, had naturally to be called
upon to take part in the conference. And the King Grand Duke having
addressed to us the same invitation that he did to the other state
signers of the treaty, the government of the King hastened to
transmit the necessary full powers to its representatives at
The independence and neutrality of Belgium being entirely out of the
case, our plenipotentiary had for special instructions to join to
the extent of his strength and influence in any pacific solution
which should not clash with our interests and rights.
We have the satisfaction to announce, that coming together on the
7th, the conference terminated its labors on the 11th by signing a
treaty which attains the desired object.
I am able to-day to make known to the senate the substance of this
international act.
The Grand Duchy remains under the sovereignty of the House of Orange
It is declared neutral state, and its neutrality is placed under the
sanction of the collective guarantee of the powers signers of the
treaty Belgium. Belgium as a neutral state is not a party to this
stipulation. The city of Luxembourg will cease to be a fortified
The Prussian troops will be ordered to evacuate the place, and the
King Grand Duke can only keep there the troops necessary for the
public peace.
This treaty causes grave difficulties to disappear which had arisen
between our two peaceful neighbors; it augments on that account the
security of Belgium.
It is also, the senate will understand, not without interest for our
country to have been for the first time represented in a political
congress which has had this rare and good fortune to preserve to
Europe the benefits of peace, that greatest benefit to nations. By
the terms of Art. 68 of the Constitution, the government of the King
will submit to the chambers the text of the treaty immediately after
the exchange of ratification, for which a delay of a week has been
agreed upon.