Count Wydenbruck to Mr. Seward.
Mr. Secretary of State: In consequence of certain advices received to-day by me, and in order to lose no time, I took the liberty a few hours ago of expressing to you by telegraph the desire that Mr. Otterbourg, in Mexico, might be instructed to ask, in the name of the government of the United States, that the remains of the ill-fated emperor Maximilian may be (in case this should not already have been done) deposited in a grave of his own and enclosed in a suitable coffin—if possible, a metallic one. All expenses to be refunded by this legation.
Trusting that it will be possible to procure this slight alleviation to the deep affliction of the imperial family, I have the honor to remain, Mr. Secretary of State, with the highest consideration, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.