Mr. Motley to Mr. Seward.

No. 221.]

Sir: I send herewith a copy and translation of a note received from the imperial royal minister of foreign affairs.

It is in answer to the note which I addressed to him under instructions from the President of the United States, as modified in consequence of the changed circumstances, and after conversation with the minister, in order to express to his imperial royal Majesty the satisfaction of the President and of the people of the United States, that the attempt once believed to have been made upon the Emperor’s life at Prague had been frustrated.

As I have already explained the reasons of the slight departure I have ventured to make from my instructions, I have only to repeat my hope that my course may be approved.

I have the honor to remain, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. Wiliam H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


Baron de Beust to Mr. Motley.

The undersigned, minister of the imperial household and of foreign affairs, has hastened to lay before the Emperor, his most gracious master, the note which the honorable envoy of the United States, Mr. J. Lothrop Motley, under instructions from his government, was so obliging as to address to him in regard to the flagitious attempt brought to notice during the latest visit of his imperial royal apostolic Majesty in Prague.

Hereupon his Majesty has been pleased to command the undersigned most respectfully to request the envoy kindly to inform the President of the United States, that although the judicial investigation instituted in regard to the said occurrence has not yet resulted in a confirmation of the grave accusation raised, still the proof of friendly sympathy offered on this occasion by the President of the United States to his Majesty has been received by him with the heartiest thanks.

The undersigned profits by this occasion to renew to the envoy the assurance of his most distinguished consideration.