Office of the Metropolitan Board
of Health,
No. 301 Mott
street, New York,
September 27, 1867.
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
Mr. Harris to Mr. Clarke.
Office of the Metropolitan
Board of Health, No. 301
Mott street, New
September 25, 1867.
Sir: I have the honor to call your
attention to the fact, stated in the Washington despatches this
morning, that the Spanish government has officially declared “
all ports in the United States foul with epidemic cholera and
epidemic yellow fever.”
Though the amount of commercial intercourse with the ports of
Spain and the countries up the Mediterranean is not so great as
with the Atlantic ports of Europe, it still is sufficient to
render the operation of the Spanish quarantines vexatious and
burdensome to the commercial interests of the northern ports of
the United States; and unless those ports are actually foul, the
sanitary authorities and the merchants of Spanish ports will
probably be as glad to forego the application of quarantine
restrictions as our own shipping merchants to those ports would
be to escape such embarrassments.
Permit me, therefore, to state the fact that, from the ports of
the Chesapeake, or 38 degrees north latitude, to the most
northern limits of the United States, east of the Allegheny
mountains, neither yellow fever nor cholera now prevails, and
that no port upon all this northern section of our coast has
been infected by either of those epidemics the present year.
And, further, that the small amount of Asiatic cholera that has
existed at military posts, and in a limited district of New
York, has not endangered commerce, and is not, and will not, be
a source of danger to Spanish ports. Moreover, that yellow fever
never has been conveyed to any European port from any portion of
this northern coast, even when it was epidemic in some of its
ports; and that, as it is not epidemic in any port north of
Mobile, (latitude 31°,)
[Page 531]
and does not exist in any form in New York, except in West
Indian and Gulf ships, under strict quarantine, it seems to be a
duty to suggest to his excellency the Secretary of State at
Washington, that it is desirable the government of Spain, and
especially that the United States consuls at Malaga and Port
Mahon should be informed of these facts.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
ELISHA HARRIS, M.D., Corresponding
Secretary and Beg. M.B. H.
Emmons Clarke, Secretary Metropolitan Board of Health.
Hon. I. S. Shultz, President Metropolitan Board of