Mr. Seward to Mr. Burlingame
Sir: Mr. S. Wells Williams, in a despatch No. 16, and in an unofficial letter of the 22d of February last, invited my attention to the fact that his excellency Sen-ki-yu a distinguished Chinese statesman, then recently appointed to the foreign office, had in various ways manifested a liberal and friendly appreciation of the importance of amicable relations between the United States and other western powers and China, and that he had written an eulogy upon the life and character of George Washington which reflects great credit upon the author.
When these facts became known to me they afforded me the liveliest satisfaction; and I thought that it might be agreeable to bis excellency to possess a faithful portrait of the subject of his eulogy. I have, accordingly, caused an exact copy to be made by one of our most skilful artists of the original likeness painted by Gilbert Stuart from life. This copy, suitably framed, will be forwarded to your address by the first convenient opportunity for presentation by you, in such manner as may seem most appropriate to his Excellency Sen-ki-yu, as a mark of the high appreciation entertained of the wisdom and virtue which have so justly entitled him to the exalted station which he has attained.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Anson Burlingame, Esq., &c., &c., &c.