Mr. Williams to Mr. Seward
Sir: I have the honor to send you a communication (translated) from Señor V. F. Arminjon, the plenipotentiary of the King of Italy, and my reply, (enclosures A, B,) relating to his mission to China. Prince Kung immediately responded to his proposal to negotiate a treaty, and appointed Tang Ting-siang, one of the members of the foreign office, and Tsunghau, to arrange the details. A treaty was signed on the 26th instant, at Peking, which places the Italians on the same footing as the most favored nation. It contains 55 articles, whose stipulations include all the advantages which have been gradually obtained from the Chinese government by other nations, and embodied in their several treaties, disposed in such an order as to exhibit the present relations between China and other countries. The Italian envoy and suite left to-day for Tientsin, where he is to complete the signing of the treaty with Tsunghau, the other commissioner on the part of the Chinese.
I may state, in this connection, that the Portuguese treaty which was negotiated in 1862 has not yet been ratified, nor has any new proposition been received from them respecting the adjustment of differences. The Spanish treaty which was arranged in 1864 has not ye; been ratified, but the exchange of ratifications will ere long be made, and also those of the Belgian treaty.
China has now entered into treaty relations with all the European powers except Austria, Turkey, and Greece.
I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.