
Mr. de Stoeckl to Mr. Seward

Mr. Secretary of State: It was only yesterday that I had the honor to receive the note which you addressed to me on the 4th June, as well as a copy of a despatch from the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject of despatching a revenue cutter to the shores of the Russo-American possessions.

I will take the liberty of suggesting that it will be of advantage, before giving to the Russian authorities at Sitka instructions, supplementary to those which I have already transmitted to them, to await the orders I must in a short time receive.

Mr. Bodisco ought to arrive in a fortnight at the furthest. He will bring instructions as well for me as for the Russian authorities at Sitka, and I could then give on my part more precise orders to the commandant of our colonies.

Captain Howard will not be able to reach California in less than a month. Before that time the exchange of ratifications will take place, and I shall be in possession of ample instructions on the part of my government, which it will be easy to transmit by telegram. In this manner a postponement of some days could not, I hope, embarrass the measures which the Secretary of the Treasury may deem it his duty to take in the interests of the ceded territory.

Please to accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurance of my high consideration.


Hon. F. W. Seward, Secretary of State ad interim.