M. Berthemy to Mr. Seward
Dear Mr. Seward: I have received with two accompanying annexes, which contain your instructions to Mr. Plumb, the letter you were, pleased to write to me the 20th instant relative to the protection of Frenchmen settled in Mexico.
I have already made known to the Marquis de Moustier the conversation I had the honor to hold with you on this subject, and the government of the Emperor is certainly now informed of the conditions under which the good offices of the United States will be exercised. Be it as it may, I will not fail to transmit these documents to it; they will not, I think, modify its confidence in the efficiency of the support which French interests would find, in case of need, at the hands of your legation in Mexico, and which are guaranteed by the cordial assurances you have pleased to authorize me to transmit to Paris.
Accept, dear Mr. Seward, the assurances of my most sincere respect.
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.