Mr. Dix to Mr. Seward

No. 3.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit a translation of an announcement which appeared in the Moniteur of yesterday in regard to the sailing of vessels of war and transports from France, for the purpose of bringing back the troops of the French expeditionary corps now in Mexico,

I am, sir, with great respect, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.


The maritime movements which have taken place in the different parts of France for the purpose of bringing back the expeditionary corps of Mexico being now partly effected, we are able to give a general list of those vessels which have already put to sea for this purpose.

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Cherbourg, Brest, Lorient, Rochefort and Toulon, have furnished the following vessels of war and transports: The Fontenay, Bayard, Ville de Lyon, Ville de Bordeaux, Souverain, Mapana, Navarin, Castiglione, and Intrepide, vessels of war. The Avegron, Nièvre, Gironde, Durance, Cher, Aube, Eure, Drôme, Zoune, Saône, Alher, Calradas, Pomone, Garonne, Ceres, Tarne, Var, Ardiche, Seine, Charente, and Rhone, steam transports.

Since the beginning of the present month vessels have left port every day, and some vessels have already arrived at Vera Cruz. By the eighth of January next, they will all have left the French ports.

Besides this the concentration of our troops is being rapidly effected. Advices from Mazatlan inform us that on the 12th November the French garrison evacuated that city, and was transported to San Blas by the Victoria, with a view to its being forwarded “from that place to the port of embarcation.