Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams

No. 2017.]

Sir: I enclose a copy of a letter of the 10th instant from Mr. Hugh Dunigan, of New York, regarding the arrest and imprisonment of Patrick Kane, in Ireland, charged with being a Fenian.

I will thank you to do what you properly can in behalf of the prisoner.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

Mr. Dunigan to Mr. Seward

Dear Sir: I write to you, hoping that you will take some action about a young man named Patrick Kane, who left this country to visit friends in Ireland, and was arrested on his arrival in Ireland on the charge of Fenianism. He was arrested on or about the 7th of June, and is in confinement yet, he being a citizen of the United States, and of the city of New York. I hope that you will take some action in his behalf. He has committed no overt act against the British government. He is now confined in Middletown jail, county Cork, Ireland.

Hoping that you will see justice done to American subjects, I remain.

Yours, most respectfully,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State.