Mr. Burton to Mr. Seward

No. 207.]

Sir: It may not be uninteresting to the department to know that a special minister, Señor Matta, from Chili, arrived in this capital a month ago, and has departed for Venezuela. The object of the mission was to enlist the sympathies of Colombia on the side of Chili in her present contest with Spam, This government has been reticent on the subject, and has given no public expression of its sentiments.

The liberals here have declared warmly for Chili, as will be seen by the speeches at the banquet given the minister on the day before his departure. The conservatives are supposed to sympathize with Spain. Neither have anything more than words to offer.

Under the peculiar circumstances I think it prudent to forego the pleasure of entertaining Señor Matta officially, as is my habit on the arrival of anew minister. In this I had the example of the President and my colleagues.

The mission from Venezuela, which arrived here two months ago, is still treating with this government about some questions of long standing between the two nations, the principal being one of boundary. I think it probable that no understanding will be come to, and that the mission will retire soon. It seems very difficult for two Spanish American states to adjust any question of difference.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.