Mr. Trassara to Mr. Hunter.
The undersigned minister plenipotentiary of her Catholic Majesty has had the honor to receive the note which, under date of 17th instant, the honorable Secretary of State ad interim was pleased to address to him, in answer to that of the 9th from this legation, upon the serious indications which existed that citizens of this country were violating the neutrality which the government of the United States had deemed proper to declare in the war between Spain and Chili, not doubting that necessary measures will have been taken to assure the observance of such neutrality.
On acknowledging to-day the receipt of said note, and as another proof of the ground for his suspicions, the undersigned must bring to the knowledge of the honorable Secretary of State that, according to news he has just received, yesterday, and in virtue of a charge made by the consul of Spain, there was detained at New York the steamer Meteor, built some time since, as is public and notorious, for the express purpose of pursuing the Alabama, it is not to be doubted that the detention will be definitive, by force of the evidence which exists that the Meteor was destined to cruise against Spain.
The undersigned avails of this occasion to reiterate to the honorable Secretary of State ad interim the assurance of his highest consideration.
Hon. William Hunter, Acting Secretary of State.