The Minister of France in Mexico to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Minister: Your excellency knows already that I have obtained that the Mexican government should pay us in obligations of the second series of the second loan. The legation of Mexico at Paris has received the same notification, but the under secretary of state for finance has not yet transmitted the order to deliver to us the bonds, which, according to him, should not be remitted until after the official ratification of the convention. I have combatted this pretension, which would occasion fresh delays. The two governments having agreed upon the modifications to be inserted in it, the convention should be considered as ratified morally. Mr. Cesar being absent at this time, the emperor sends to me from Chapultepec a telegram, by which he advises me that Mr. Langlai has it in his power to give the orders necessary to the Mexican commission of finance.

I caused this telegram to be taken to the counsellor of state on the mission, who as I supposed does not think himself authorized to order anything because he has not any official character. However, I beg him to write to Mr. Fould or to Mr. Germing, annexing to his letter the telegram in which the emperor Maximilian expresses his intentions. To-morrow I will endeavor beside to send by telegraph, through Mr. Castillo, a formal order to remit the bonds.

Accept, &c.