Sir F. Bruce to Mr. Seward

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this day’s date, conveying to me the gratifying intelligence that the measures taken by the government of the United States, and the judicious arrangements of Major General Meade, have put an end to the prosecution on the frontier of designs against the tranquillity of the British provinces.

I have received no information as to any violation of the territory of the United States having been committed by the imperial or provincial troops of her Majesty, an occurrence which I should sincerely regret, and I may be permitted to doubt the accuracy of the reports forwarded to General Meade until that officer has been able to inquire into them, as the experience of the last week has proved that it is a part of the tactics of these agitators to circulate reports of this description in order to obtain for their cause a sympathy which is not extended to it.

I have not failed to transmit to the proper quarter in Canada the substance of your note respecting the treatment of the individuals who have fallen into the hands of the Canadian authorities. It is not to be denied, nor is it unnatural, that much indignation should be felt against them. But it is a satisfactory circumstance, and creditable to the humanity of those engaged, that the men who formed part of the expedition which crossed at Fort Erie and were taken in the act of attacking the Canadians who turned out to defend their homes, were not summarily disposed of, but were reserved to be dealt with after due investigation. I feel convinced that the observations contained in your note will receive the respectful consideration of the Canadian authorities, and that every disposition will be shown to confine the punishment of the offenders within the limits of what may be required to insure safety for the future, and of what will be confirmed by the decision of a sound and enlightened public opinion.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.