Mr. Adams to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
October 14, 1865.
Sir: I feel it my duty at once to transmit to
you a copy of a paper issued from the Foreign Office directing that all
restrictions on vessels-of-war of the United States be taken off in
British ports. This was sent to me last night with a note from his
lordship,*** in which he also lets me know that
[Page 611]
the government has decided to send orders to
Admiral Denman to detain the Shenandoah if she comes into any British
port, and to capture her if found on the high seas.
I seize the opportunity to send you also a copy of the Times, which
contains what is clearly an official correction of the version made in
the leading article of the day before of Lord Russell’s proposal of a
commission. It now appears as if this government gravely proposes this
commission should be raised to deliberate upon trifling British claims,
whilst it excludes beforehand the only important ones on the part of the
United States to which the war has given rise. The only suitable answer
to such a proposition would seem to be, all or none.
The newspapers are filled with discussions of the correspondence. The
argument which has evidently made the deepest impression is that drawn
from the possible consequences to British commerce of the establishment
of this precedent.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
[From the
London Times of October 14,
England and America.
In order to guard against any misunderstanding, we are requested to
re-state that the proposal of Earl Russell to the American
government was conveyed in the following words: “Her Majesty’s
government are ready to consent to the appointment of a commission,
to which shall be referred all claims arising during the late civil
war which the two powers shall agree to refer to
the commissioners.” These concluding words limit the
subject of reference, since it would be inconsistent with the
position taken up by her Majesty’s government, and with the
arguments which induced it to decline arbitration, to permit the
claims for losses by the Alabama and other vessels of the same
character to be brought before a commission for decision. It must be
understood, therefore, that if any such commission were agreed on,
those cases would be excluded from its jurisdiction.
Earl Russell to the lords, &c., of admiralty
and treasury, and others.
Foreign Office,
October 13, 1865.
My Lords: With reference to my letter of
the 2d of June last, prescribing the course to be taken by her
Majesty’s several authorities in all ports, harbors, and waters
belonging; to her Majesty, whether in the United Kingdom or beyond
the seas, in consequence of the recognition by her Majesty’s
government that peace was restored within the whole territory of
which the United States of North America, before the commencement of
the civil war, were in undisturbed possession; and with reference
more particularly to that passage in my letter in which it was laid
down that confederate vessels departing, in pursuance of
requisitions to be made by her Majesty’s authorities, from any
ports, harbors, and waters belonging to her Majesty, in which, at
the time of the receipt by those authorities of the fresh orders,
such vessels might be found, should then and for the last time have
the full benefit of the prohibition theretofore enforced against
pursuit of them within twenty-four hours by a cruiser of the United
States lying at the time within any such ports,, harbors, and
waters, I have the honor to state to your lordships that her
Majesty’s government are of opinion that it is desirable that her
Majesty’s naval and other authorities at home and in her Majesty’s
possessions abroad should be formally apprised that, as full time
has now elapsed since my letter of the 2d of June for giving effect
to the provisions of that letter, all measures of a restrictive
nature on vessels-of-war of the United States in British ports,
harbors, or waters are now to be considered as at an end, and that
it is the desire and intention of her Majesty’s government that
unrestricted hospitality and friendship should be shown to
vessels-of-war of the United States in all her Majesty’s ports,
whether at home or abroad.
I have addressed a similar letter to, &c.
I have, &c.,
The Lords, &c.
of the Admiralty and Treasury, Eight Hons. Edward Cardwell, M. P., Sir George Grey, Bart., M. P., Sir Charles Wood, Bart., M. P.
[Received at United States legation, London, October 13,