Mr. Seward to Mr. Adarns
Sir: Your despatch of the 15th of June, No. 993, has been received.
I have read with pleasure your remarks upon the question what penalty ought to be imposed upon Jefferson Davis, which question is so universally and so earnestly discussed in Europe. Your sentiments are deemed just and wise.
For your information, I give you a copy of a despatch* which was addressed by me to Mr. Bigelow, when the European debates upon the question were first brought to my attention. It is proper to say, also, that the subject yet remains in the condition which was mentioned in that despatch. It has not yet been deemed necessary to leave the business of re-organization, to consider the case of the extreme offenders against the laws.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.
- See instruction No. 167 to Mr. Bigelow.↩