Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.
Sir: Your despatch of the 20th of May, No. 697, has been received. Would it not be well to let Earl Russell understand that we are unable to comprehend the reason why the crew of the Georgia are left unmolested, while the Irishmen who secreted themselves on board the Kearsarge, seeking to enlist in our service, have been prosecuted and convicted? It is a satisfaction to know that the Georgia will cease her depredations, from inability to continue them. The Niagara sailed yesterday. Assurances received from France that American piratical ships shall not be allowed to go to sea in that character relieve us from the necessity of sending, at present, any other naval force into European waters.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Charles F. Adams, Esq., &c, &c, &c.