Lord Lyons to Mr.
December 26, 1863.
Sir: I have the honor to ask your immediate
attention to the enclosed extract from a despatch from her Majesty’s
consul at New York, respecting the imprisonment of the master and crew
of the British steamer Banshee, captured on a charge of breach of
You will observe that it is stated that the master and crew are detained
under direct instructions from the United States government.
It appears, moreover, that they are confined in the New York county
You will see, therefore, that the case as presented to me is a very
serious one, and will excuse my pressing for immediate information
respecting it.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most
obedient, humble servant,
Hon. William H. Seward, &c., &c., &c.
Extract from
Consul Archibald to Lord Lyons, dated New
York, December 22, 1863.
“In referring to my despatch of the 27th ultimo, in which I reported
the eapture, and arrival at this port, of the steamer Banshee, I now
have the honor to report to your lordship that the master and crew
of this vessel have been detained here as prisoners since the 23d
“Supposing they had been detained, as usual in such cases, for the
purpose of taking their testimony, I did not, until after a
reasonable time, interfere in their behalf. Having made inquiries of
the United States marshal, from whom I received no satisfactory
reply, I addressed a note to the United States district attorney,
who, in his reply, informs me that the master and crew are detained
under direct instructions from the government, and that the master
is understood ‘to have been arrested on two or three occasions
previous to his present detention, charged with great infractions of
the law.’
[Page 452]
“Captain Steele, in reference to this allegation, asserts that he
never was in the northern States hut once hefore this time, and that
was when he was captured last year in the Tuhal Cain, for an alleged
attempt to violate the blockade, and was brought to this port.”