Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

No. 1118.]

Sir: The enemy, on the 7th instant, attacked our cavalry on the right, in its advanced position on the northern side of the James, dislodged them, and captured two batteries of artillery. Major General Birney coming up with an adequate force, repelled the assaults with severe loss, and recovered the position, which he still holds, within four miles of Richmond. No change has occurred on the left of our line fronting Petersburg.

In Georgia, the enemy, under command of Hood, have marched northward, intending to flank the army of the Cumberland. Forrest co-operates with Hood. Thus far the enemy have gained no advantages, and Major General Sherman writes without apprehension of danger.

The enemy’s forces, which repulsed General Banks on the Red river, have advanced, under Price, into Missouri. Major General Mower has gone up the [Page 329] Mississippi from Memphis to re-enforce Major General Rosecranz. Major General Steele is reported to be moving up behind the enemy’s column. But the plans of the belligerents are not yet developed.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


Charles Francis Adams, Esq., &c., &c., &c.

[Same to other ministers in Europe.]