Earl Russell to Lord Lyons.
Your several despatches respecting the case of the Chesapeake, together with the papers which have been received by the Secretary of State for the colonies from the colonial authorities in North America, have been submitted to the law officers of the crown, for their opinion on the different questions raised in them.
The readiness which Mr. Seward, in his first communication with your lordship, manifested to make all proper and suitable reparation for the acts of the United States officers has rendered it unnecessary for me to insist upon the questions which, under other circumstances, it would have been my duty at once to instruct your lordship to discuss with the government of the United States, namely, the wilful and flagrant violation of her Majesty’s territory by the officers of the United States cruiser Ella and Annie.
The government of the United States having subsequently made, as reported in your lordship’s despatch of the 12th of January, a full apology for the violation of her Majesty’s territory committed by its officers in the case of the Chesapeake, it is only necessary for me to authorize your lordship to state to Mr. Seward that her Majesty’s government accept that apology in the same spirit in which it has been offered, and are truly glad that the matter has been settled in a manner honorable to both parties, and. calculated to improve the friendly relations which her Majesty’s government are always anxious to maintain with the government of the United States.